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Informed Consent: Language Archive Managers

Informed Consent for Studies with Adults
TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY:  Exploring Methods and Techniques for Facilitating Access to Digital Language Archives
Principal Investigator: Dr. Oksana L. Zavalina, Department of Information Science, College of Information, University of North Texas (UNT), office phone: (940)565-3776, email:
Key Personnel:
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Shobhana Chelliah, Department of Linguistics, College of Information, UNT,
Co-Principal Investigator: Mark Phillips, UNT Digital Libraries Division,
Research Assistant: Mary Burke, Department of Information Science, College of Information, UNT,
You are being asked to participate in a research study. Taking part in this study is voluntary. The investigators will explain the study to you and will answer any questions you might have. It is your choice whether or not you take part in this study. If you agree to participate and then choose to withdraw from the study, that is your right, and your decision will not be held against you.
You are being asked to take part in a research study about information organization in language archives. This research is being funded by the United States Institute for Museum and Library Services. Your participation in this research study involves answering research team questions about information organization in your language archive and decision-making process related to it. The online interview is expected to last approximately 1 hour. More details will be provided in the next section.
You might want to participate in this study if you are willing to share your views on and experiences with organizing information in language archives and are interested in contributing to developing better understanding of these phenomena. However, you might not want to participate in this study if you do not have the time to participate in the interview.
You may choose to participate in this research study if you are involved in making and/or implementing decisions about the development and maintenance of a language archive, specifically in relation to descriptive metadata, search and browse options, deposit guidelines, etc.  
There are no reasonable foreseeable risks or discomforts to you if you choose to take part. There are also no possible personal benefits. You will not receive compensation for participation.
DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT THIS RESEARCH STUDY: The following is more detailed information about this study, in addition to the information listed above.
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: to identify how information is currently organized in language archives and how this can be improved to better meet the needs of language archive users. Rich and unique digital language data have a potential to make a strong contribution in social science research and education. However, this potential is not fully realized as many of existing language archives are relatively rarely accessed by linguists or indigenous language communities to use the available language data. The experiences and insights of language archive developers will form the basis for this research.
TIME COMMITMENT:  Participation in this study is expected to last approximately one hour.
STUDY PROCEDURES You will participate in the following activity: Zoom-based semi-structured online interview that is expected to take one hour. The questions we would like to discuss with you during our online interview are attached for your convenience. You may skip questions that may make you uncomfortable. Interview will be recorded using audio equipment to aid in later transcription. We will synthesize data collected from these transcripts to understand issues related to information organization of language archives.
 I agree to be audio recorded during the research study.
 I agree that the transcript of audio recording can be used in publications or presentations.
 I do not agree that the transcript of audio recording can be used in publications or presentations.
 I do not agree to be audio recorded during the research study.
The recordings will be kept with other electronic data in a secure UNT OneDrive account for the duration of the study.

POSSIBLE BENEFITS: If you choose to participate, there will be no personal benefits that have direct impact on you. However, your participation in this study may benefit the community of language archive developers and users through improving information organization in language archives that may result from this and related studies.  

POSSIBLE RISKS/DISCOMFORTS: This research study is not expected to pose any additional risks beyond what you would normally experience in your regular everyday life.  However, if you do experience any discomfort, please inform the research team.

COMPENSATION: No compensation will be offered for participation in this study. There are no alternative activities offered for this study.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Efforts will be made by the research team to keep your personal information private, including research study records, and disclosure will be limited to people who have a need to review this information. All paper and electronic data collected from this study will be stored in a secure location on the UNT campus and/or a secure UNT server for at least three (3) years past the end of this research in the password protected computer in PI’s campus office. Research records will be labeled with a code and the master key linking names with codes will be maintained in a separate and secure location.

The results of this study may be published and/or presented without naming you as a participant. The data collected about you for this study may be used for future research studies that are not described in this consent form. If that occurs, an IRB would first evaluate the use of any information that is identifiable to you, and confidentiality protection would be maintained.

While absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, the research team will make every effort to protect the confidentiality of your records, as described here and to the extent permitted by law.  In addition to the research team, the following entities may have access to your records, but only on a need-to-know basis:  the reviewing IRB, and sponsors of the study.

Confidentiality will be maintained to the degree possible given the technology and practices involves when using online video conferencing (Skype or Zoom) or cloud services (Google Drive/Dropbox).  Your participation in this study involves risks to confidentiality similar to a person's everyday use of the internet.

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THE STUDY:  If you have any questions about the study you may contact Dr. Oksana Zavalina at  or Mary Burke at Any questions you have regarding your rights as a research subject, or complaints about the research may be directed to the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at 940-565-4643, or by email at

·       Your signature below indicates that you have read, or have had read to you all of the above. 
·       You confirm that you have been told the possible benefits, risks, and/or discomforts of the study.
·       You understand that you do not have to take part in this study and your refusal to participate or your decision to withdraw will involve no penalty or loss of rights or benefits.
·       You understand your rights as a research participant and you voluntarily consent to participate in this study; you also understand that the study personnel may choose to stop your participation at any time.
·       By signing, you are not waiving any of your legal rights.

Please sign below if you are at least 18 years of age and voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

SIGNATURE OF PARTICIPANT                                                                                                 DATE

*If you agree to participate, please provide a signed copy of this form to the researcher team.  They will provide you with a copy to keep for your records.
